Saturday, June 27, 2009

radio maria

radio maria [doug duffey]

they say the rosary on the radio
play spooky hymns and ring bells
i drink wine and eat bread in the kitchen
and think of some weird communion

so strange this catholic culture
with blue neon lit shrines in yards,
on buildings, on street corners
candles burning all night in cemeteries
and weather beaten churches

from pagan gods to christian saints
the voodoo stays the same
from temples of venus to
shrines to the madonna...
the roman empire, the roman church

offerings of oil, water, fire, and flowers
mystic elements lying on altars
in funereal practices to dead folks
holy, or unwholy, magic

a woman takes telephone calls
like on a “call in and win something” game show
what does she give away?
a crucifix? a statue? a rosary? a vulgate bible?
some holy water? oil from the bones of st. nicholas?
two all expense paid round trip tickets to the vatican?
a get out of purgatory free card?

[c]1998/2009 1998 doug duffey
palombaio, italy feb.12,1998

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